It’s still about reaching the lost. It’s always been about reaching the lost. When 12 people began meeting in a living room, we had no idea where God would lead us, but God is revealing to us that greater things are in our future! We have moved to several locations and dreamed of a facility we could call our own to minister from. After much prayer, we have launched the Greater Things Initiative.

The leadership of Ocala Christian Church believes that God is calling us to take this step…


Ocala Christian Church has been part of the NE Ocala community for several years. While we have a great relationship with the Church of God who own and operate the building we use, the facilities have never truly met our needs and are only available to us twice a week. Renting facilities to meet in has led some in the community to speculate that we are not a “real” church and that we may never have our own building. Preparation and set-up of the building each Sunday requires many volunteers and much time. The small foyer restricts fellowship before and after worship and the Fellowship Hall is visually unappealing. Our congregational meals and events are often held off-campus because the facilities where we currently meet are inadequate. We would love to grow our Children’s Ministry, add a Sunday school, and many other things that just can’t happen in our currently rented facilities.


A church isn’t a building–it’s a family of believers. God no longer dwells in physical temples; His Spirit comes to live inside those who follow Him. We are not trying to improve our community or city with an ornate building, but to create an outreach center to reach the lost for Christ. The options and opportunities for new ministries are endless!


We have purchased the building located at 717 NE 36th Ave. Ocala, FL. Southway Building Corporation is contracted to remodel the property. In order to meet this financial expense, we have arranged financing for up to $300,000 but are still short of what we need to finish the project (approx $75,000).  We have also included in our budget an increasing percentage of our expected mortgage payment, and saving it in the building fund. The leadership of Ocala Christian Church believes that God is calling us to take this step and equally believe that God will continue to provide financially.