Nunciata “Nuncy” Spayne, lives in Ocala with her husband, Kevin, in a 55+ retirement community. Originally from Boston, Massachusetts, her heart’s desire has always been to live in Florida where the sun shines year round. She has three adult daughters and five grandchildren. Her youngest daughter, Brittany, lives with them in Ocala – all the rest of the family lives in Massachusetts. They have a two year old Shih-Tzu, Theo (gift from God) who is their spoiled fur baby. Nuncy came to know Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior at 8 years old while attending a pentecostal vacation bible school. She later renewed her relationship with Him in May 1988 through a Message in a Bottle (ask to hear her testimony). Nuncy is very happy and thankful to be serving the Body of Christ as the Administrative Assistant to the Ocala Christian Church family. She is available for all church related business during office hours and can be reached by cellphone after hours as well.