Brian Brown
Brian K. Brown was born on September 10, 1959 in St. Petersburg, Florida. He was born into a committed Christian family. His father is Richard A. Brown who has served as an Elder at Homosassa Christian Church, North Citrus Christian Church and Orange Park Christian Church. His grandfather Virgil Elbon was one of the founders and Elder of Central Christian church, Ocala, First Christian Church, Dunnellon, Homosassa Christian Church, Homosassa, and Citronelle Christian Church. Brian was Baptized on April 26, 1970 at First Christian Church, St. Petersburg, Florida by Danny West. Brian has served as a Deacon at North Citrus Christian Church. Brian is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. Brian Married his wife Lesa on Nov. 6, 1993 and they have one son Richard. Brian, Lesa and Richard are all members of OCC since July 2009. Brian has served in many areas at OCC from set-up captain to communion captain and is a member of the Men’s Accountability group and a faithful participant of the Wednesday night Bible Study.