Michelle Hammerberg


Michelle serves as the Administrative Assistant to Pastor Roger. You can usually find Michelle before and after the service in the lobby saying hello to everyone and welcoming newcomers on Sunday morning. Michelle helps to prepare the weekly worship guide, maintains the OCC database and communication with the church family. She assists with the coordination of the volunteer scheduling and follows up with the prayer requests. If there is something you need regarding church business, Michelle is your go to person. Michelle is originally from Iowa.  She moved to Ft Myers, FL in 2021 and then moved to Ocala in 2023 because of Hurricane Ian.   She has 2 grown children.  Her son lives in Ft Myers, FL and her daughter lives in  Phoenix, AZ.  In Michelle’s spare time she loves reading and  being at home with her dog Libby.  Michelle accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior when she was 6 years old at Vacation Bible School.  She grew up in a Christian home and attended a Christian high school and college.  Michelle rededicated her life to the Lord in her early 20s and was baptized with her father at the age of 22.